martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Prácticas de redacción 2015/2016. Free writing 3. Shakespeare poem version.

Fear no more the darkness;
Nor the raging winter's blizzard, 
Through a mad man's troubled awareness, 
Time passes, my dream is a hazard; 
Golden wings guide us, 
As chimney sweepers come to dust. 

Fear no more the power of the righteous, 
As they are trully weak: 
Care no more to those who are envious; 
To those who are sick: 
The poor, people who disgust 
All follow this, and come to dust. 

Fear no more the hungering cold, 
Nor the incoming winter; 
Fear injuries, and wounds, as I told; 
Despite the disaster; 
All lovers passions, all lovers must 
Consign to them, and come to dust. 

No exorciser harm them! 
Nor no witchcraft charm them! 
Ghost unlaid forbear them! 
Nothing ill come near them! 
Quiet consummation have; 
And renowned be thy grave! 

Prácticas de redacción 2015/2016. Racism

Every person should have his place in this world, despite the fact that there are some narrow-minded people who don't understand this. Racism is one of the most important problems nowadays, and we can see it everyday. Certain people are underestimated or the become bullied just because they are from other countries, and we can't allow them to do it. The world population is becoming bigger and bigger, and it is usual that people emigrate, so we must accept it.

Response: From my point of view, racism, like other similar issues as machismo and homophobia, can only be resolved through education. Those issues are based on an irrational hate coming from nowhere so, as I see it, the ony way to solve that is by educating new generations properly, teaching them to be tolerant. For instance, creating workgroups in class formed by children from different places of the world would be a nice way to show them that we are all the equal. If we do that from early ages, theese problems wil be eventually erradicated.

Comment: my classmate was right with everything he said. Becoming tolerant from early ages can be an important factor which can purify our minds, and working in groups can be a key to understand and establish ties which link all of us, what can be really productive and important to get this goal.

Prácticas de redacción 2015/2016. Ending the story.

The jumper looked straight into his heart, seeking the last chinks which made him cling to life. His girlfriend, job or talents didn't look important enough to give a meaning to his life, but then, he tought...if I took the role of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars accurately, I can rise above this. Then, a strange feeling flooded his soul, he started feeling powerful and confident, the power unleashed. Suddenly, a fading image appeared in front of him. He didn't know if it was his imagination or if it was some kind of hologram, but it was there. It was a black human-shaped shadow which looked familiar, too familiar to be ignored. Indeed, it was his father, Darth Vader. A piercing silence that seemed to envelop everything seized him, the only sound that interrupted that powerful silence was the panting which was produced by the shadow's helmet. Then he realized something: it didn't matter what was about to happen, he had to jump. His body seemed to be moving automatically and before he could react, he was flying. He felt a heady feeling of freedom during some seconds, and then, it was over. A hole life reduced to a decision, the end of his story.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Prácticas de redacción 2015/2016. Guernica


When I see this abstract painting I feel deception, desperation, death and decay, those feelings we don't want to fell are present in Guernica. The agony, the pangs of death of a rotten city, the destruction of the war.
This painting is the absolute representation of the emaciation the war causes to a city, and it's kind of hard to explain. When I see it, I get instantly moved to that city, the agony of people's last minutes of death that freeze the blood of your veins, I can imagine that hungering cold just with seeing the painting, what make it exceptional.

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Practicas de redacción 2015/2016. Peer writing.

Peer response for Mario Costa by Alejandro Maxi. Cano

Dear Mario, I think that your paragraph is quite good overall. In terms of structure, I could notice the topic sentence at the beggining, where you expressed your admiration for the player. Then you support your first statement by adding some supporting sentences explaining why you admire him(LOL not only a game, Enrique's career...). Finally, you sum everything up by pointing out the main reason of your admiration(creating a team on his own, leader...) with the concluding sentence. In terms of development, you used the explanation method mainly and you didn't do weird mixtures, so I find this part well written. I think it would be a good idea to add some more adjectives refering to him, but overall I don't think that this text needs much editing.

Since I started playing"league of legends" (LOL), I have always admired "xPeke", Enrique Cedeño Martínez. This admirable player is the unique spanish person in the world championship of LOL, which mooves a huge amount of money. People may think this is just a game, but now, this game, considered an electronic esport (eSports), is the most played in the world. Enrique started playing online poker, despite his succeed in this world, he started playing LOL and became the most important player in Spain. The charismatic player makes this game an art, and I admire him because he has created a wole team on his own, what makes him the leader of a full competitive team, very well-known around the world.

Practicas de redacción 2015/2016. Free writing 2

Free writing 2.
Today I am going to talk about my experiences in the first week with my flat partners. Despite the fact that my relatives told me that taking the rent flat with my two best friends was a bad idea, but I didn't heed them. One of my friends was convalescent so I have passed the first week just with one of them, and, surprisingly it has been one of the best in my life. Sharing your whole day with your friends can be frustrating, but I find it so exciting, you can have some kind of double life with your friends. You can have your daily normal group of friends and your university group, what makes your life amazingly funny.